Are Odorous House Ants In Saratoga Springs Dangerous?

March 15, 2021

Are Odorous House Ants In Saratoga Springs Dangerous?

There are many ants in Saratoga Springs, Utah that you might encounter at one point or another. In fact, ants are one of the most common home-invading pests in general, so the odds that you’ll deal with them are pretty high. However, not all ant species are the same even if they do have some general characteristics in common. Some are mostly considered nuisance pests while others can cause bigger problems like property damage.

One of the more common species in the area is the odorous house ant, and they get their name because they emit a strong sense of rotting coconuts when they are crushed. Luckily, they are generally considered a nuisance pest, but they can be invasive and difficult to remove.

You can identify odorous house ants by the fact that they are quite small at only about 3.3 mm in length when fully grown and that they are dark brown to black in color. They have only one node that attached their thorax to their abdomen, and they also have a rather unevenly shaped thorax. But, since they can look similar to other species, the scent they let off is one of the best ways to tell if you have odorous house ants or a different species.

Are These Ants Really Harmless?

While some ants can spread diseases and others, like carpenter ants, can destroy property, odorous house ants aren’t known to do either of these things. They don’t pose any significant threat to health or property, but the foul odor they emit isn’t pleasant.

The biggest issue with odorous house ants is that they can get into food sources and cause contamination. Just like most other species, they aren’t picky about the kinds of food they will get into. They will eat anything from cereals and grains to pet food to proteins. While they aren’t associated with spreading any serious illnesses, it’s still not safe to eat any food they get into, and these items will need to be thrown out.

Tips For Preventing Odorous House Ants

The other concern with these ants is that they can be rather invasive and difficult to remove because they can hide in so many tiny places and have large colonies. Because of these difficulties, the best way to handle ants is to try to prevent them in the first place. Here are some of the most effective ant prevention measures you can implement around your property:

  • Keep pet food stored inside and in airtight containers.
  • Always clean up food and drink spills right away.
  • Make sure to clean kitchen areas regularly, including sweeping and mopping, and doing the dishes.
  • Cover all trash cans with secure lids and take out the garbage often.
  • Make it harder for ants to come inside by fixing broken screens and sealing up holes in the walls.

The Best Way To Remove Ant Infestations

The truth is that ants are very difficult to completely eradicate, especially without professional help. The overall most effective way to keep out odorous house ants, or any other species of ant, is with assistance from the experts at Avenge Pest Control. If you already have an ant infestation, we can also remove the problem quickly and safely.

Learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services by giving us a call at (801) 341-9114‬.

Pest Control Services

For most people, pest infestations happen at any time, seemingly without reason. As such, you need professional pest control services to get your life back on track. Available seven days a week, our pest control technicians are here to offer the kind of detail to service you need to enjoy pest-free living whether you're a residential or commercial customer.

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