How To Identify A Brown Recluse Spider In Saratoga Springs

June 15, 2021

How To Identify A Brown Recluse Spider In Saratoga Springs

Want to know a secret about spiders? They aren’t all dangerous. Many pose no threat to humans and are only considered to be a nuisance. The question is: if this is true, why do people still fear spiders? The answer is simple. Dangerous spiders exist and they are not always easy to identify. This makes people nervous and drives them to be extra cautious when they find these eight-legged bugs crawling around inside their home. One spider that regularly threatens the health of homeowners in Saratoga Springs is the brown recluse. To help you identify these pests and keep them out of your living areas, here are some things you should know.

Many Spiders Look Like Brown Recluse Spiders

There are two dangerous spiders that live in our Saratoga Springs service area, brown recluse and black widow spiders. Black widows are easily identified by their large black bodies and the red hourglass mark located on the underside of their bulbous abdomen. Brown recluse spiders are a bit more difficult to tell apart from other spiders. These pests brown coloration, long thin legs, and medium-sized bodies often get them confused for other area spiders. A few spiders that brown recluses are mistaken for are wolf spiders, cellar spiders, and yellow sac spiders.  

How To Tell Brown Recluse Apart From Other Spiders

Despite the brown recluse’s many similarities to other, less harmful spiders that live in our area, there are a few things that set this pest apart. For one, brown recluse spiders have six eyes as opposed to the usual eight. These eyes face forward as this arachnid is a predator that hunts from the ground. Another thing that gives a brown recluse away is the dark backward violin marking located just behind its head. The final sign comes in this pest’s bite. Hopefully, you never have to identify a brown recluse using this clue.

A Brown Recluse Bite

There is a good reason that brown recluse spiders are feared spiders. Just one bite from this pest is enough to cause moderate to severe pain and the possible decay of skin forming a large ulcer around the affected area. This is usually accompanied by chills, dizziness, fever, rash, and vomiting. On average, it takes 3 to 14 days for itching and discomfort to subside and 3 weeks to 3 months for the ulcer to fully heal.

How To Prevent Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown recluse spiders are drawn into homes by the insects that they hunt. To keep these pests and their prey out of your Saratoga Springs home, here are some general prevention tips you should know.

  • Fill in holes, gaps, and cracks in your home’s exterior foundation and around window/door frames.
  • Repair damage to window/door screens.
  • Install door sweeps under exterior doors.
  • Keep your living areas clean.
  • Use a long broom to sweep away spider webs.
  • Declutter your home.
  • Eliminate debris and clutter from your yard.
  • Turn off exterior lights at night.
  • Store leftover food inside airtight containers.
  • Avoid feeding your pets outdoors.

The Best Way To Prevent Brown Recluse Spiders

When it comes to brown recluse spiders, no amount of protection is too much protection. If you are looking for a reliable way to keep these dangerous pests out of your home, look no further than Avenge Pest Control. It only takes one service visit to evaluate your home’s risk and establish a plan of action to keep unwanted pests out. 

Call our team today to learn more about our comprehensive home and commercial pest control plans and to schedule an appointment for your Saratoga Springs property. 

Pest Control Services

For most people, pest infestations happen at any time, seemingly without reason. As such, you need professional pest control services to get your life back on track. Available seven days a week, our pest control technicians are here to offer the kind of detail to service you need to enjoy pest-free living whether you're a residential or commercial customer.

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